Golf Academy

Sharpen your golf skills with public or private lessons.

Summer Camps

Learn all about summer camps at Three Rivers!

Species Spotlight: Elderberries

By: Paul Kortebein

April 08, 2021

Category: Nature Notes

Elderberries are easily overlooked shrubs, but they are some of the most widespread plants in our region and Minnesota. They play roles in a variety of habitats, including streambanks, open fields and forest understories. Wildlife (especially birds) feed on the fruit, and deer really like to chew on the stems in winter (which can be annoying but is often not anything to worry about).  

About the Author

a man wearing a hat and a backpack. only his head and neck are in the photo.

Paul is the Manager of Forestry and Horticulture at Three Rivers Park District – a position he has held for the past 10 years. Prior to that he was stomping around the wilds of Milwaukee County as the natural areas manager, and before that he was stomping around the wilds of New York City (yes, there are some) as an environmental restoration project manager for the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. In his spare time he enjoys installing flashing on old windows.

Creating Access and Equity in Biking

By: Kaja Vang

March 31, 2021

Category: People of the Parks

This time of year, we get so excited for #30daysofbiking at Three Rivers. There are so many great trails to explore, and after a winter where many folks in our community have been cooped up inside, this 30-day biking challenge can be just the motivation needed to get out and get moving.  

About the Author

Kaja Vang wears and orange dress while posing for a photos outdoors.

Kaja Vang coordinates the Teen Council, Teen Engagement initiatives and the bike fleet here at Three Rivers. They also partner with local bike organizations and groups to provide more equitable access to bikes, trails and bike-related skills. During their free time, Kaja likes to watch TV shows that focus on alternative or parallel universes and always welcomes conversations surrounding astrology. Lastly, they are passionate about addressing inequities that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) face – specifically queer and trans BIPOC – and being a part of the movement in investing in youth. 

Nature Centers Without Walls

Sundays | Nature Centers
We are turning the nature centers inside out! Each Sunday features different outdoor activities that may include meeting live animals, participating in nature challenges and checking out free exploration materials.,3ENC2400,3MGW2400,3RNC2400

Spring Celebration: Nature's Coming Attractions

April 1 & 2 | Eastman
Celebrate the arrival of spring! Take the pollinator challenge, practice jumping like a frog, learn about egg-laying animals in Minnesota, and search for camouflaged creatures.

The Enchanted Rock Hunt Trail

April 2 & 3 | Lowry
Explore five magical nature kingdoms as you search for painted hidden fairies, animals, gnomes, colorful butterflies and birds!,2LNC2201

Phenology: Nature's Calendar

By: Ashley Smith

March 22, 2021

Category: Nature Notes

As the world around us begins to shake off winter’s grip, we Minnesotans start to pay very close attention to the changes happening in our outdoor environment. We eagerly look for those early signs of spring that signal to us that warmer weather and all it brings is just around the corner. 

About the Author

ashley wearing a scarf at platform nine and three quarters

Ashley Smith grew up swimming, climbing trees, and fighting dragons at Lebanon Hills Regional Park in Eagan. With a clear love of teaching and the outdoors, she majored in biology at Concordia College and continued on to Melbourne, Australia where she earned her Master's degree in environmental education. She has since spent the last 10 years working as an interpretive naturalist at various nature centers around the Twin Cities and in greater Minnesota before landing at Mississippi Gateway Regional Park. When not playing (working) outside with people of all ages, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, getting out on/in the water, learning about geology, and being a Tolkien-loving-Doctor Who-obsessed-D&D-playing nerd.

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