Community Engagement
Three Rivers is committed to inclusion and equitable access to the outdoors. Like many outdoor agencies across the country, our research demonstrates that compared to our region, people of color, and people whose household incomes are under $50,000 are underrepresented within our park system. Teens are also another often disconnected audience within the outdoor setting.
The Community Engagement team intentionally connects with these populations, meeting people where they are at and finding pathways into the outdoors that meet the needs and interests of each group.
The parks belong to everyone. We’re hoping to help you find your home in the outdoors.
The Group Camping Gear Library makes introductory camping more accessible by equipping educators, youth workers, and community leaders to lead their own overnight trips. Three Rivers staff also offers training on leading your own group camping experience.
Aiming to connect as many people as possible with nature, we bring parks to the community at a variety of events and festivals by providing sample park activities for all ages and abilities, educational and informational materials, and friendly staff who can answer questions.
Teens (ages 14-19) are a priority audience. Three Rivers offers tons of opportunities for teens to build their resumes, gather and explore in the outdoors, and gain life skills.

Increasing Access
We strive to provide opportunities for everyone. Learn about free programs, fee assistance, interpreter services and the Park District's commitment to accessibility.
Contact Us
If you are interested in connecting with our community engagement staff to reach the populations listed above, email Amanda.Fong@ThreeRiversParks.org. Early requests are encouraged.