Celebrate Your Connection
You can provide a valuable resource for other community members and celebrate the strong relationship you or a loved one has with Three Rivers Park District through the tribute program.
Your investment in Three Rivers Park District through the tribute programs will continue the legacy of environmental stewardship at Three Rivers Park District.
Honor a Friend, Loved One or Event While Enhancing The Parks
Seating allows for a space to socialize or rest in the natural world. Your donation of an Adirondack chair will be a valuable park amenity that supports community in nature.
A flat tire or loose bolt could happen anywhere. Your donation of a bike repair station at your local trail head or on your favorite trail will help others in their time of need.
Whether used to take in the view or resting while on a walk, your donation of a bench will be a valuable resource for the community and a symbol of your strong connection with nature.
Honor a Friend, Loved One or Event By Helping Build Forests
Forests Forever
Forests can be fragile ecosystems. Your donation of a tree will provide valuable support for local reforestation and ensure current forests are maintained for future generations.
Honor Your Furry Friend While Supporting Dog Off-Leash Areas
Canine Companion Legacy Walls
Honor your furry friend with a tribute on one of the Canine Companion Legacy Walls at Three Rivers Park District!
Celebrate the joy your loyal companion brought or continues to bring to your life with a personalized 4" x 2" bone-shaped plaque that includes up to two lines of text, for a total of 45 characters or less.
How To Donate
Please contact us at 763-694-2042 or giving@threeriversparks.org if you have any questions or to begin the donation process for the Canine Companion Legacy Wall, a tribute bench or adirondack chair, Forests Forever tree or bike repair station.