Going Green

Three Rivers takes steps to make the Signature Events and sustainable to the environment.

  • Event signage is recycled year to year whenever possible.
  • All printed materials use FSC certified paper.

Here's some tips to help reduce your impact:

  • Ride your bike to the event. If you are not biking, please consider carpooling.
  • Sort your waste. Help make the Signature Events zero-waste events. Waste containers are located in key locations at many races and volunteers are there to help you. Almost all event items, including beverage containers and food waste, can be recycled or composted. Trash that can’t be recycled or composted is weighed.
  • If you are bringing your own food to the event, consider items in reusable or recyclable containers and limit wrappers and other trash.
  • Encourage your friends and family at the event to follow the same guidelines with their trash.