School Field Trips at Hyland Hills
School field trips make it easy and affordable to introduce students to the basics of downhill skiing. It creates opportunities to become involved in a lifelong sport with great health and fitness benefits.
Who Can Schedule A Field Trip?
Field trips are available to students in grades 4-12 (ages 9-18) from any institution in a Minnesota school district or recognized by the MDE as a Reported Non-Public School, Charter School or State Approved Alternative School.
Field trips require a minimum of 20 students. Due to the popularity of the program, more than one school may be scheduled in a day. We will stagger arrival times to give your group individualized attention when you arrive. Schools must arrive by 10 AM.
Registering for A Field Trip
Reservations must be made no later than 30 days before your ski date; school groups have a better chance of securing a ski date with advanced notice. To start your reservation, please email our Group Sales office at HylandGroups@threeriversparks.org.
What To Expect
Field trips are organized into several stops:
- Orientation: Our staff will explain the rules of the chalet, an introduction to skiing, how to put on a lift ticket, rental hallway procedures and lesson information.
- Rental Hallway: Students will be fitted with boots, helmets and skis. Our technicians and your chaperones will assist in making sure everyone is dressed properly. Students will enter this area in waves to reduce crowding the rental hallway.
- Lessons: Students are required to participate in a Beginner Ski Lesson. We use a station rotation method of teaching students the basics of skiing. The introductory lessons are for students ages 9 years (4th grade) and older due to the group teaching method we use. Students who are proficient in skiing may go to one of the later stations, practice a bit and then test out of the lesson. There are no snowboarding lessons.
Field Trip Rates
Receive a greater discount the more students you bring!
- 250+ students: $19/student
- 150-249 students: $20/student
- 40-149 students: $21/student
- fewer than 40 students: $22/student
Price is based on actual attendance on the day of your field trip.
Schools will receive one complementary chaperone lift ticket and rental package for every 10 paid students. Additional chaperone tickets cost $22 for a lift ticket and rental package. Schools may choose to have the extra chaperone tickets billed back to the school, or individual chaperones may purchase them at our ticket windows.
Lunch At The Hyland Grill
The Hyland Grill offers a variety of snacks, meals and beverages for purchase. Students may purchase items individually the day of their field trip! Hyland Hills Chalet does not allow food delivery from other restaurants (including from Grub Hub, Door Dash, Bite Squad, etc.).
Scholarships are available through our First Tracks ski program to help local youth learn and continue to ski and snowboard.
Schools or agencies serving youth with financial need can apply for financial assistance for the Hyland Hills Ski Field Trip Program when providing recreational and educational experiences for youth. To qualify for a First Tracks scholarship, schools and groups will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Economic need based on the student participation number in the free or reduced lunch program.
- Schools or agencies that do not participate in the free or reduced lunch program must complete the application and submit a letter stating the financial need and the goal or mission of the group serving special economic or disabled populations.
Funds are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis and can be requested at the time of your group reservation.
Adaptive Services
Adapted services may be available but must be requested at least 30 days in advance. Adaptive instructors are limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Schools will need to provide additional support persons for adaptive students. Instructors are only available during the lesson portion of the field trip.