Silverwood Visitor Center

On the banks of picturesque Silver Lake, Silverwood Visitor Center is buzzing with activity no matter the season. Take a ceramics class, join a photography walk or rent a kayak and paddle the lake. When you're done, stop by the café for a cup of coffee or a quick lunch before browsing the art gallery. 


9 AM–5 PM

Interactive Map of Silverwood

Silverwood PDF Map

Find a printable map of the park on the Silverwood Park page.


At Silverwood Café, enjoy locally sourced, organic snacks and beverages.


Stop into the visitor center and wander through the gallery to view work from professional and student artists. See current and upcoming exhibits and learn more about art at Silverwood.

Canoe & Kayak Rentals

Enjoy beautiful Silver Lake by canoe or kayak! Rentals available Memorial Day through Labor Day. 

Programs & Lessons

Refine your eye for photography, get your hands dirty in a pottery lesson or work on your musical skills in a class at Silverwood. Programs are available year-round. Sign up today!