Become a Junior Naturalist

The Junior Naturalist Activity Book is a great way to explore and learn about nature all around you.

Nature is everywhere, whether you're in a Three Rivers Park, around your home or school, or walking down the street. This self-guided activity book helps you discover more about the natural environment and what steps you can take to preserve it for the future.

Learn about ecosystem connections, habitats, pollinators, different types of recreation and much more. No matter the season or your location, there's an activity for you.

Get the Activity Book

Pick it up

Activity books are currently at the following Three Rivers Parks locations:

Print it out

Download the booklet to print for yourself:

English version

Versión en español

Looking for stickers?

Collect all 20 Junior Naturalist stickers by visiting each park! Some locations are only open seasonally, but you can find those stickers at another nearby park. Check out this list to see which locations provide which stickers.

Supported By

Three Rivers Park District Foundation logoThe activity book was made possible in part thanks to the support of the Three Rivers Park District Foundation. Visit their website to learn how you can change lives outdoors.

Keep Learning

Activities from Baker Outdoor Learning Center

Learn more about nature with outdoor activities from the Baker Outdoor Learning Center!

Digital Press Kit for Media

Promotional materials for media use below.