Three Rivers Park District

 Three Rivers Administrative Center

Administrative Center
3000 Xenium Lane North
Plymouth, MN 55441
Phone: 763-559-9000
Fax: 763-559-3287
For relay services: 711

Federal Tax ID Number: 41-1489848

Administrative Center Hours: Mon.–Fri. 8 AM–4:30 PM

Telephone Directory

Interpreter Services

Three Rivers offers free interpreter services for park and trail information. Please call 763-559-6700 during business hours: Mon.–Fri. 8 AM–4:30 PM.

24-Hour Access

Emergency: 911

Contact Us

We want to get you to the park experience or information you’re trying to find. If you have a comment, question or concern about our parks, trails or recreation offerings, please use the contact choices below. (Reservations cannot be made, changed or cancelled through the contact form.)  

Donation Requests

Three Rivers Park District believes it is important to give back to the community we serve. Three Rivers Park District will consider donation requests that have a charitable purpose on an ongoing basis.