A close up image of the Chronolog device, a gray plastic device that is attached to the wood railing of the dock. Visitors can hold their phone in place on the device to capture an image.

What is Chronolog?

Chronolog is a simple yet powerful citizen science monitoring tool that allows park managers to track environmental changes over time.

Park visitors can submit photos from more than 25 sites across the Park District. The images are then uploaded to our Chronolog page, where they can be viewed in a time-lapse sequence.

What Are The Benefits of Having Chronolog in the Parks?

Community Engagement and Education

Chronolog allows people to connect with nature in an interactive way while helping track gradual environmental changes that are difficult to see. 

Park visitor participation in this activity also supports environmental education and ongoing stewardship in a natural resources-based park system. It creates a connection between the community, the parks they love and the land stewards working to restore and enhance these natural areas.

Ecosystem Monitoring

Many of the managed natural areas at Three Rivers are the result of long-term habitat restoration efforts. These include forests planted from native species grown at the Park District nursery, diverse native prairies planted and managed with prescribed fire, and wetland complexes where water levels are manipulated to promote plant diversity and wildlife habitats. 

These stewardship activities use an adaptive management approach, requiring careful observation over time to adjust activities and promote biodiversity and resilience. 

Land managers use Chronolog imagery, along with biological survey and monitoring data, to evaluate restoration projects and ecological conditions. This is increasingly important as the climate changes and invasive species pose threats to native plant communities and biodiversity.

Enhancing Visitor Experience

Three Rivers’ mission is to promote environmental stewardship through recreation and education in a natural resources-based park system. Our vision is that everyone can connect with nature every day. 

Chronolog offers a pathway for park visitors to move beyond appreciation to active stewardship and long-term conservation of these resources. Chronolog monitoring is participatory and interactive, documenting ecosystem changes one photo at a time.

A close up image of the Chronolog instructions, which includes the steps. It has the number of the location, TRP-221, with the text: "Help document this scene over time by uploading to Chronolog, a photo monitoring tool powered by people like you." It also includes the steps: "1. Turn phone horizontal and seat in bracket. 2. Take a photo of the landscape. 3. Email to upload@chronolog.io with the subject line TRP-221. Terms and conditions apply. Learn more at chronolog.io/terms".

How Does Chronolog Work?

Chronolog is easy to use. Simply line up your phone in the bracket while holding it steady, snap a photo and follow the instructions on the signpost to submit the image.

You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to the time-lapse sequence you contributed to, along with information about the landscape. It’s an easy way to contribute to citizen science, supporting parks and natural areas.

Where to Find Chronologs

Three Rivers has installed Chronolog stations at more than 25 locations across the Park District, including all seven park reserves. Chronolog’s interactive map provides a convenient way to explore these locations and navigate to individual Chronolog sites. 

These sites were chosen by natural resources staff for their views and the management efforts dedicated to each area.

Baker Park Reserve

Site NameChronolog #
Southwest Marsh and PrairieTRP201

Carver Park Reserve

Site NameChronolog #
Lake Two WetlandTRP202
Lundsten LakeTRP203
Nature Center Road PrairieTRP204
Shutz Lake ReforestationTRP205

Crow-Hassan Park Reserve

Site NameChronolog #
Four Corners (Unit 9)TRP206
Lupine Prairie (Unit 7)TRP207
Prairie LakeTRP208
North Twin WetlandTRP209

Elm Creek Park Reserve

Site NameChronolog #
121st Forest RestorationTRP210
Nature Center PrairieTRP211
Powers Lake Forest RestorationTRP212
Lemans LakeTRP213

Hyland Lake Park Reserve

Site NameChronolog #
Nature Center NorthTRP214
Central Woodland RestorationTRP215

Lake Rebecca Park Reserve

Site NameChronolog #
Kasma MarshTRP216
Crow River at Canoe LaunchTRP217

Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve

Site NameChronolog #
Murphy Lake PrairieTRP218
Hill TopTRP219
Southern WoodlandTRP220

French Regional Park

Site NameChronolog #
Turtle LagoonTRP221

Gale Woods Farm

Site NameChronolog #
Whale Tail Lake at Canoe LaunchTRP222

Mississippi Gateway Regional Park

Site NameChronolog #
East Trail PrairieTRP223

Noerenberg Memorial Gardens

Site NameChronolog #
Formal GardensTRP224

Silverwood Park

Site NameChronolog #
Owl Woodlands (Trail 10-11 Overlook)TRP225

See Chronolog in Action

Immerse yourself in nature's beauty and watch the seasons change across the restored prairie and managed forest near Eastman Nature Center at Elm Creek Park Reserve.

You can also view other contributions on our Chronolog webpage.

Timelapse view of the prairie at Eastman Nature Center.