Virtual Waiting Room

To help manage the high volume of traffic on busy registration days, our registration software vendor has added a virtual waiting room to the registration experience. The virtual waiting room will ensure that user volume does not exceed the registration site’s capacity, in order to provide a smooth and consistent experience.

On opening day for Summer Camp, Golf Academy and SnowSports registration, sign into your account as usual. The virtual waiting room will be activated when registration opens. Anyone on the site will be automatically moved to the virtual waiting room and will be slowly released into the site to begin browsing and registering for lessons.

Find answers to frequently asked questions below.

Tip: Update your account information before registration

Verify or set up your login information on our registration page prior to registration.

  • If you don’t have an account, set one up by clicking on "Create one now".
  • Can’t remember your password? Click "Forgot your password" to reset it.
  • Be sure that everyone in your household has a birthdate included with their information.

Virtual Waiting Room FAQs

What time does registration open?

For most registration events, registration opens at 8 AM. However, Summer Camp registration opens at 7 AM.

How do I know where I am in line within the virtual waiting room?

Once registration opens, you will see a pop-up message on your screen telling you that you are in line and will be able to register soon.

This pop-up message will also include an animated green bar near the bottom of the page; the bar will grow as you move closer to being let in to register. There will also be a box showing how many people are ahead of you in line.

What do I need to do to be placed in the virtual waiting room?

Nothing. When the virtual waiting room is activated, anyone on the Three Rivers’ registration site will automatically be placed in the virtual queue. Users are placed in line and will slowly be released into the reservation site to browse and register.

Users who were on the site prior to the virtual waiting room being activated will be released back to their previous page on the website.

Can I lose my place in line?

No. Once you are placed in the waiting room, you will retain your place in line.

Your place in line is specific to the device and browser you are using. As long as you continue to use the same computer or phone that you were using when you entered the waiting room, you will keep your place in line. 

Even if your phone goes to sleep, you lose your internet connection or you close the virtual waiting room page — as long as you log back in on the same device using the same browser, you will keep your place in line.

What happens when it’s my turn to register?

Once it’s your turn to register, you will be redirected from the pop-up message to the registration site where you can browse, make selections and complete your transaction.

If you are not viewing your registration browser window when your turn comes up, when you return to that window, you will get a new message alerting you that it is time for you to start registering. You will be asked if you’d like to continue. Click the green box, and you will enter the registration site and will be able to browse and register.

Is there a time limit for completing my registration?

No; once you have been let into the registration site, there is no time limit to your session. 

Important: When you have a camp or program in your cart, you must complete the transaction to guarantee your spot. You will be limited to one active session for your household.

I received a timeout error on the waiting room page. What does it mean? What should I do?

If you receive a timeout error while you are in the waiting room, refresh the page in your browser. If the refresh doesn’t work, check to make sure you still have an internet connection.

What happens if I try to access the registration site from multiple devices and/or Internet browsers?

Waiting room numbers are device and Internet browser specific. This means each device and/or Internet browser used to access the registration site will receive its own waiting room number and place in line. 

Important: If you are logged into your account on multiple devices or browsers, the last device/browser to log in will take control and replace previous sessions.

If I logged into the registration site with my household account, will I still be logged in when I’m released from the waiting room?

Yes. The registration site will retain your page and login status while you are in the waiting room.

Does one household have to log out of the registration site for a new household to be release from the waiting room?

No. The waiting room is managed by the amount of inbound site traffic to ensure the number of new users accessing the site per minute remains within the site’s performance threshold. Multiple users are frequently moved from the waiting room to the site at the same time.